vendredi 27 juin 2014

Le BIEN-ÊTRE «social» de nos ÉLUS, régimes de retraites, leurs poids $$$$$$$$ et votre poids $ petit peuple

L’hypocrisie de nos élus
Saint-André Boisclair, Saint-Mario Dumont,
Saint- Denis Coderre, Saint- Régis Labeaume
Sainte-Chambre de commerce de Montréal, etc.
Priez pour nous, mes saintes-nitouches

Vous pouvez ajouter tous les noms de l'Assemblée Nationale du Québec et à Ottawa c'est la même chose.

Le BIEN-ÊTRE «social» de nos ÉLUS
Les voleurs et menteurs, les députés, ministres, paie de séparation, lobbyiste, juges, maires, échevins, directeurs, juges, etc.  Toute cette rapace qui ne cesse de prendre tout pour eux car ils font les lois, et nous petit,  petit peuple qu'il nous aime tellement.  Ils nous demandent de voir à leur bonheur en faisant payer de plus en plus.  Ne sachant gérer nos pensions et notre avenir, leurs offres nous exploitent au maximum, en donnant et nous forçant à admettre que tout ces déficits sont de nôtres fautes.  Les vrais coupables c'est vous et moi.  Vive la démocratie des riches nous rendant de plus en plus pauvres.

23 juin 2014 | Sébastien Robert - Syndicaliste dans le milieu de la santé, étudiant à la maîtrise en Relations industrielles à l’Université de Montréal, l’auteur a été candidat de Québec solidaire. | Québec

Le gouvernement du Parti libéral du Québec a déposé le projet de loi 3 sur les régimes de retraite des employés municipaux. Ces régimes de retraite qui couvrent 172 000 Québécois, dont 50 000 retraités, font actuellement face à des déficits actuariels de 3,9 milliards de dollars. Le projet de loi vise à corriger cette situation, prétendument parce que les contribuables n’ont pas les moyens de payer de tels régimes.
Deux mesures importantes pour diminuer le coût des régimes sont prévues au projet de loi. D’abord, le coût de base des régimes devra être limité à 18 % du salaire (20 % pour les pompiers et les policiers). Ensuite, les régimes devront être financés à 50 % par les employés et à 50 % par les villes. La logique des élus municipaux et de l’Assemblée nationale : les employés municipaux doivent faire des sacrifices pour soulager les contribuables et un régime coûtant 18 % du salaire, financé à 50/50, est « raisonnable ».
Le Régime de retraite des élus municipaux
Les élus municipaux ne versent que 6,15 % de leur salaire dans leur régime de retraite. La Ville, financée par les contribuables, de son côté, doit verser 20,73 % du salaire dans le régime de retraite. Le coût des retraites de nos élus municipaux est donc 26,88 % de leurs salaires, soit 50 % plus coûteux que la limite de 18 % que les élus veulent imposer à leurs employés municipaux.
De plus, leur régime est financé à 77 % par les contribuables, un élu municipal ne payant que 23 % de sa retraite. C’est beaucoup plus avantageux que le financement 50/50 imposé aux employés municipaux par le projet de loi 3. Régis Labeaume et Denis Coderre, qui plaident le fait que leurs employés municipaux ont des régimes de retraite trop généreux, devraient d’abord regarder leur propre régime.
Le Régime de retraite des membres de l’Assemblée nationale
Les députés de l’Assemblée nationale versent quant à eux 9 % de leur rémunération dans leur régime de retraite. Selon un comité d’experts, qui a qualifiée régime de « Ferrai », les cotisations des députés ne représentent que 21 % du coût de leurs retraites. Les contribuables paient donc 79 % du régime de retraite des députés, un montant déraisonnable selon la logique derrière l’imposition du financement 50/50 prévu au projet de loi 3.
Cela veut aussi dire que le régime de retraite des députés coûte 42,86 % de leur salaire. C’est 2,4 fois plus élevé que le maximum de 18 % prévu au projet de loi 3. Avant d’adopter le projet de loi 3 et de mettre la hache dans les régimes de retraite des employés municipaux, les députés devraient se demander si leur propre régime respecte la capacité de payer des contribuables.
Une colère justifiée
Le projet de loi 3 diminuera les conditions de travail et de retraite des employés municipaux. Alors qu’on voit défiler à la commission Charbonneau des politiciens et leurs amis qui se sont rempli les poches d’argent provenant des contribuables, voir ces mêmes politiciens demander des sacrifices importants aux employés municipaux pour soulager les contribuables sonne faux. D’autant plus que ces élus se refusent à faire le moindre sacrifice malgré le fait qu’ils profitent de régimes de retraite beaucoup plus avantageux. Dans ces conditions, je comprends les sacrifiés d’être en colère devant l’hypocrisie de ceux qui veulent leur imposer des sacrifices.

Deux poids «Docteur Gaétan Barrette» deux mesures «Docteur Phil Couillard»

Alain Laprise 27 juin 2014

jeudi 26 juin 2014

New Quebec National Islamic Assembly Holiday June 24. 2022

June 24, 2022

On this day of national holiday of Quebec ISLAMIC

Your Islamic Government requires you to new rules to the welfare of our government

No alcohol will be allowed
No Drugs
No smoking
All products must be Halal
All pigs and sluts will be banished from the kingdom
No gathering of more than 2 persons other than members of their own families
No promiscuity, carnal familiarity of different sex in public

No oath under the name of Allah on pain of torture (Satan Rock Music accompanied by pianist Stephen Harper, guitar Justin Trudeau and bells by Thomas Mulcair)

All children who have reached the age of 5 do not belong to the woman, but the husband.

All male children aged 10 years and older will be considered an adult by law and to act as their father.

All children must be married at the age of 8 years and begin childbearing at age 12 years.

Incest committed by males only is totally allowed between males and females from the age of 2 years for the fulfillment of their inner

Women are covered from head to toe in black, leaving their two holes for the eyes and a small mouth opening

Women should be cloistered and out without the support of a major human

Women have to walk back to their subordinate at least 4 meters with the head down towards the ground

Women will always ask permission to his faithful to perform tasks outside

Education will no longer be offered to girls and women who will remain silly as suggested by the former Council on the Status of Women in Quebec

All females will be excised from birth to the welfare of their future husband

All males are circumcised halement and the skin around the penis after circumcision will be put in the freezer for future tasting

All women who have been raped, robbed, outside of the house without their husband's permission will be stoned. If rape or injuries are ridges inside the house of the husband, the husband can only make decisions if either kill his wife or to provide care.

All dogs in our kingdom of Quebec shall be killed, buried, head towards the center of the earth.

Sharia replace all existing and future laws to serve our Lord Allah!

All citizens will be subject to these rules.

With the exception of the president, ministers, deputies and their families, the army, the police, the mafia, the orders of engineers or doctors, male nurses only, the prefects of cities and counties, and all other persons in authority. These will blithely use your ignorance.


24 juin 2022


En ce jour de fête Nationale du Québec ISLAMIQUE


Votre Gouvernement Islamique vous impose de nouvelles règles au bien être de notre gouvernement


Aucun alcool ne sera autorisé

Aucunes drogues

Aucun tabac

Tous les produits devront être Hallal

Tous les cochons et les cochonnes seront bannis du royaume

Aucun rassemblement de plus de 2 personnes à l'exception des membres de leurs propres familles

Aucune promiscuité, familiarité charnelle en public de sexe différent


Aucun juron sous le vocable d'Allah sous peine de tortures (Satan Rock Music accompagné au piano par Stephen Harper, à la guitare par Justin Trudeau et au clochettes par Thomas Mulcair)


Tous les enfants ayant atteint l'âge de 5 ans n'appartiennent plus à la femme mais au mari.


Tous les enfants mâles âgées de 10 ans et plus seront considérés selon la loi comme adulte et devant agir comme leur père.


Tous les enfants devront se mariés à l'âge de 8 ans et commencer à procréer à l'âge 12 ans.


L'inceste commis par des mâles seulement est totalement autorisé entre mâles ou femelles dès l'âge de 2 ans pour l'accomplissement de leur être intérieur


Les femmes seront couvertes de la tête au pieds en noir, leur laissant deux trous pour les yeux et un petite ouverture pour la bouche


Les femmes devront être cloîtrées et ne sortir sans l'accompagnement d'un homme majeur


Les femmes devront marcher en arrière de leur subalterne d'au moins 4 mètres en ayant la tête baissé vers le sol


Les femmes devront toujours demandé la permission à son fidèle pour exécuter les tâches à l'extérieur


L'enseignement ne sera plus offert aux filles et aux femmes qui devront demeurer idiotes comme le suggère l'ancien Conseil du Statut de la Femme du Québec


Toutes les femelles seront excisé dès leur naissance pour le bien être de leur futur mari


Tous les mâles seront circoncis halement et la peau autour du gland après circoncision sera mis au congélateur pour dégustation future


Toutes les femmes ayant été violées, volées, à l'extérieur de la maison, sans autorisation de leur mari seront lapidés.  Si les viols ou blessures sont faîtes à l'intérieur de la maison du mari, le mari seulement pourra prendre les décisions en cas, soit de tuer son épouse ou de lui fournir les soins.


Tous les chiens de notre royaume du Québec devront être tués, enseveli, la tête en direction du centre de la terre.


La Charia remplacera toutes les lois actuelles et futures pour servir notre seigneur Allah!


Tous les citoyens seront assujettis à ces règles.


À l'exception du président, les ministres, députés et leurs familles, l'armée, la police, la mafia, les ordres d'ingénieurs ou de médecins, les infirmiers mâles seulement, les préfets des villes et comtés, et toutes autres personnes en autorité. Ceux-ci pourront se servir allègrement  de votre ignorance.



dimanche 22 juin 2014

Déception chez Charbonneau: Les requins sont tous ministres a Québec

Déception chez Charbonneau: Les requins sont tous ministres a Québec

Déception chez Charbonneau

Ne mords pas la main qui te nourrit, ayant les mains liés

Coût de la Commission Charbonneau environ 40 millions de dollars

Les appâts

Arrestations dans les mondes municipaux et syndicaux

Coût pour les procès jusqu'à la Cour Suprême 100,000 millions ou plus.

Nombre de condamnation pour les survivants, car pour aller jusqu'à la Cour suprême du début des audiences à la cours jusqu'à la Cour Suprême environ 10 ans.

La majorités des voleurs à cols blancs seront très vieux, deviendront Alzheimer, s'ils ne ne le sont déjà, ou seront morts avec leurs balles de golfes (Commission Gomery Jean Chrétien) Nulle personne en prison et nous n'avons récolté seulement les dépenses mais pas les gains de leurs vols crapuleux)

Les gains qu'ils ont obtenus seront tous dépensés par eux et leurs proches en ayant des vies de pachas sur nos dos.

Les gros poissons

La Commission Charbonneau ne ferra jamais la lumière sur les partis politiques, tout spécialement le parti libéral du Québec. Ce parti politique, donc Jean Charest n'en voulait pas et aujourd'hui, nous avons le petit-fils de Jean Charest en Docteur Philippe Couillard.

Tous ces beaux gros poissons ont les mêmes gènes et convictions politiques, c'est-à-dire tes poches m'appartiennent et nos immunités ne sont pas touchables. Nos lois, nos subalternes, juges, policiers, sous-ministres, président de plusieurs organismes gouvernementaux et des compagnies et médias nous doivent tellement et tolère nos humeurs.

Leur profit est de notre profit. Dans une décennie, nous pourrons peut être nous rappeler de la Commission Charbonneau de Saint-Jean Charest ayant été le plus grand bâtisseur de la colonie du Québec.

Alain Laprise 22 juin 2014

samedi 21 juin 2014

Les descendants musulmans étaient Cain et Abel

Les musulmans descendant de Caïn et Abel?

Les sectes et tribus musulmanes descendent-t-elles des religions juives ou chrétiennes, ou sont-ils cousins cousin?

Il y a la théorie créationniste. Dans cette théorie, c'est Dieu lui-même qui a créé l'islam en même temps que l'espèce humaine. Le premier musulman était Adam, qui s'est empressé de construire la kaaba pour pouvoir faire son hajj. Le coran incréé existait déjà, et quand Adam ne comprenait pas un verset il se disait que c'était à cause du contexte dans le futur, parce que c'était trop un miracle scientifique comme dirait BTS. Bref dans cette théorie l'islam existe dès la création du monde exactement comme il est aujourd'hui.

Caïn était chiite et Abel sunnite, et Ève portait le voile intégral.
À noter que les tissus n’existaient pas à cette époque car Adam et Ève étaient nus

Et puis il y a les évolutionnistes. Remarquant que les religions sont très diverses mais que certaines se ressemblent beaucoup et peuvent être classées en familles, Darwin a fait l'hypothèse qu'elles évoluent avec le temps. Au départ il croyait que le musulman descendait du chrétien, qui lui-même descendait du juif. Mais la recherche a fait depuis des progrès, et a montré qu'en fait musulmans, juifs et chrétiens sont cousins, et descendent d'un ancêtre commun aujourd'hui disparu.

On remarque en effet que le coran partage une bonne partie de ses histoires avec la bible, et que tout ça remonte à un christianisme oriental en langue syriaque qui croyait que Jésus n'était qu'un homme, un peu à la manière des Nestoriens. Les premiers musulmans étaient encore très proches des chrétiens. Par exemple Mahomet lui-même était plutôt pro-chrétien, ses compagnons allaient se réfugier chez les chrétiens d’Éthiopie, lui il était copain avec les moines, soutenait les chrétiens dans leur guerre contre la Perse, et le coran recommande de lire la bible et de demander aux chrétiens des éclaircissements en matière de religion. Sous les tout premiers califes les monnaies musulmanes portaient encore des croix, et le moine chrétien saint Jean de Damas classait la religion des califes parmi les hérésies chrétiennes, l'hérésie "ismaélite". Il décrit leurs livres saints non comme un livre attribué à Dieu, mais comme une série de livres attribués à Mahomet, dont certains sont aujourd'hui dans le coran mais d'autres non.

De même certains chrétiens de Syrie étaient encore très proches des musulmans. Sur les linteaux des monastères de Syrie du nord on trouve inscrit en grec "le Christ fils de Marie". Au VIIIe siècle les chrétiens étaient iconoclastes, comme les musulmans, et ont détruit toutes les icônes et les figures humaines et animales des mosaïques des églises. Sous les califes omeyyades les mosquées n'existaient que dans les grandes villes, uniquement semble-t-il pour les officiels et les militaires, et ailleurs les musulmans allaient normalement prier dans les églises. Le logo musulman الله (Allah), tel qu'on le calligraphiait sous les Omeyyades, est en fait le logo chrétien de l'époque α+ω (alpha et oméga) auquel on a juste enlevé la croix.

Depuis les chrétiens et les musulmans ont bien changé, évoluant chacun de leur côté. Ce sont devenu des religions bien distinctes, diversifiées en une multitude d'églises : orthodoxes, catholiques, protestantes d'un côté, sunnites, chiites, druzes, ismaéliennes de l'autre côté.

Les créationnistes rejettent tout ça en bloc, et se cramponnent désespérément à leur version selon laquelle Adam était musulman et égorgeait de façon rituelle son vélociraptor* pour l'Aïd afin que la viande soit hallal. Surtout ce qui les gêne, c'est qu'on puisse traiter les premiers musulmans, compagnons et successeurs du Prophète, de "chaînons manquants".

  • Vélociraptor = dinosaure
Ce sont donc de petits récits, écrits le plus souvent sous la forme : Untel a dit que… Le Untel en question étant un compagnon de Mahomet ou l’une des autorités islamiques.
L’objectif de ces hadiths, fixés canoniquement au IXe siècle, notamment par Al Bukhari, est d’offrir un cadre concret aux musulmans pour bien vivre selon l’islam. J’insiste donc, à nouveau, sur le fait que ces hadiths sont pratiquement aussi normatifs que le Coran lui-même.
Bon nombre de ces hadiths se concentrent sur l’unicité de Dieu et l’importance de suivre Mahomet (rappelant au passage que les Juifs et les chrétiens, pour ne rien dire des polythéistes, sont voués à l’enfer, contrairement à ce que ne cessent d’affirmer les commentateurs politiquement corrects).
Mais beaucoup d’autres, les plus surprenants pour un Occidental, sont consacrés à la vie quotidienne.
On y découvre une insistance particulièrement pénible pour le lecteur (je précise que Bernard Antony n’a retenu que quelques dizaines de hadiths représentatifs, mais que le corpus canonique en compte des milliers…) sur le fait que la femme n’est qu’une moitié d’homme, du fait de sa faible intelligence et de sa duplicité.

Je passe sur les peu ragoûtants hadiths relatifs à l’hygiène ou à ce qui est licite ou non durant les menstruations féminines.
Ce sont également les hadiths qui, pour l’essentiel, fixent les peines judiciaires (amputation pour les voleurs, lapidation pour les adultères…).
Certains textes nous semblent plus amusants, mais tout aussi exotiques, comme celui-ci : « Le Messager d’Allah a interdit le prix du chien, la dot de la prostituée et la rémunération du devin. »
Parmi les sujets qui seront déterminants pour la liberté de l’Occident dans les prochaines années, il y a, en particulier, la question de la finance islamique. Dans ce domaine, j’ai appris, à l’occasion de cette lecture, que la notion d’usure s’appliquait à toute vente à terme, ce qui devrait poser quelques problèmes moraux aux wahhabites pétroliers. Mais, comme disait Tartuffe, il est des accommodements avec le ciel…
L’énumération des sujets abordés dans ce petit livre dépasserait largement le cadre de cette chronique, mais je vous invite bien volontiers, amis lecteurs, à découvrir le monde surprenant (et souvent révoltant) des hadiths si vous souhaitez parfaire votre connaissance d’un islam sur lequel la caste politico-médiatique nous ment à longueur de journée… 

Alain Laprise 21 juin 2014

Muslim ancesters Cain and Abel

Muslim ancesters Cain and Abel

Muslim down there the Jewish, Christian, or is it their cousin?
Cain and Abel
There creationist theory. In this theory, it is God himself who created Islam at the same time that the human species. Adam was the first Muslim who rushed to build the Kaaba in order to make his hajj. The uncreated Qur'an existed, and when Adam did not understand a verse he said it was because of the context in the future, because it was too scientific miracle looks like BTS. Brief in this theory Islam exists from the creation of the world exactly as it is today. Cain and Abel was Shiite Sunni and Eve wearing the full veil.

And then there are evolutionists. Noticing that religions are very different but some are very similar and can be classified into families, Darwin made the assumption that they evolve over time. Initially it was believed that the Muslim descended from Christian, who himself was descended from Jewish. But research has been progress, and showed that in fact Muslims, Christians and Jews are cousins, and descended from a common ancestor, now extinct.

We note that the Koran indeed sharing much of his stories with the Bible, and that it all goes back to an Eastern Syriac Christianity who believed that Jesus was just a man, a bit like the Nestorians. The early Muslims were still very close to the Christians. For example Muhammad himself was rather pro-Christian, his companions would take refuge among the Christians of Ethiopia, he was friends with the monks, supported the Christians in their war against Persia, and the Koran recommend reading the bible Christians and ask for clarification on religion. In the earliest Muslim caliphs currencies still wearing crosses, and Christian holy monk John of Damascus caliphs ranked religion among Christian heresy, heresy "Ismaili". It describes their holy books not as a book attributed to God, but as a series of books attributed to Muhammad, some of which are now in the Quran but others do not.

Similarly, some Syrian Christians were still very close to Muslims. On the lintels of the monasteries of northern Syria found inscribed in Greek "Christ the son of Mary." In the eighth century the Christians were iconoclasts, as Muslims, and destroyed all the icons and the human and animal figures mosaics churches. Under the Umayyad caliphs mosques existed only in large cities, only he seems to officials and the military, and also the Muslims would normally pray in churches. Logo Muslim الله (Allah), as we calligraphed under the Umayyads, is actually the logo of the Christian era ω + α (alpha and omega) which was just removed the cross.

Since Christians and Muslims have changed, evolving independently of each other. These are becoming quite distinct religions, diversified into a multitude of churches: Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant one hand, Sunni, Shiite, Druze, Ismaili across.

Creationists reject all that bulk, and cling desperately to their version that Adam was a Muslim and slaughtered ritually his *velociraptor for Eid so that the meat is halal. Especially what bothers is that we can treat the first Muslims, companions and successors of the Prophet, of "missing links".

  • Velociraptor : These reminders being made, let us hadiths themselves.

So these are short stories, written mostly in the form: Doe said that ... Doe in question was a companion of Muhammad or any Islamic authorities.

The objective of these hadiths, canonically established in the ninth century, including Al Bukhari, is to provide a concrete framework for Muslims to live well according to Islam. I stress again, the fact that these hadiths are almost as normative as the Qur'an itself.

Many of these hadiths are focused on the oneness of God and the importance of following Muhammad (recalling the way that the Jews and Christians, to say nothing of the polytheists, are doomed to hell, contrary to what would keep saying the politically correct commentators).
But many others, the most surprising for a Westerner, are devoted to everyday life.
It reveals a particularly painful for the reader (I said that Bernard Antony retained only a few dozen representative hadiths, but the canonical corpus has thousands ...) insistence that the woman is only half man, because of his low intelligence and his duplicity.

I pass over the unsavory hadiths relating to the hygiene or what is lawful or not during female menstruation.
They are also hadiths that essentially set the judicial punishments (amputation for theft, stoning for adulterers ...).

Some texts seem more fun, but equally exotic, like this: "The Messenger of Allah forbade the price of the dog, the dowry of the prostitute and pay the diviner. "

Among the topics that will be decisive for the freedom of the West in the next few years, there has, in particular, the issue of Islamic finance. In this area, I learned during this reading, the concept of wear applied to any forward sale, which should pose few problems for moral Wahabi oil. But as said Tartuffe, it is ac ¬ commodements with sky ...

The list of topics covered in this little book is beyond the scope of this column, but I invite you gladly, dear readers, to discover the world surprising (and often disgusting) Hadiths if you want to improve your knowledge of Islam where the political caste media lies to us to day length ¬ born ...

Alain Laprise 21 June 2014

vendredi 20 juin 2014

Origins of the Muslims Brotherhood

      1. Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood
To understand the Brotherhood and how it operates, especially inside Western societies such as America's, a brief overview of where it came from and why it was established is in order. Following the early years of blindingly fast military conquests, Islam began to falter as European Christendom doggedly kept pushing back, eventually surpassing an increasingly corrupt empire that had run out of lands to conquer, people to enslave, and riches to plunder. Yoked by consensus of the scholars (ijma) to an ideology that rejected critical thought, innovation, and scientific inquiry in favor of blind obedience to revelation, the Islamic world remained largely untouched by the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and eventual Industrial and Technological revolutions that catapulted the West to global power status. Eventual European colonization of the Arab and Muslim world and the stunningly successful re-establishment of the Jewish nation in the modern State of Israel brought humiliation to people raised on tales of historical supremacism over these, its traditional dhimmi victims.

Aside from Israel, which came later, this was the world into which Hassan al-Banna was born in the early 20th century. An Egyptian Cairene, al-Banna seethed with frustration at Islam's diminished status in the world; in particular he resented the presence and power of the British colonial administration in Egypt. The abolishment of the last Caliphate by Kemal Ataturk in 1924 was perhaps the worst indignity, one that left al-Banna and his young Muslim university contemporaries apparently feeling unmoored. They joined together in 1928, determined (as we know from their statements and writing) to rectify things; "rectifying things," for them, seems to have meant re-establishment of the Caliphate and global enforcement of Islamic Law (shariah). The organization they founded to return Egypt, the Middle East, and eventually the world to "proper" subservience to Islam as ordained by Allah would be the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Arabic).
      1. Global Jihad
Since its inception in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood consistently has championed the cause of global jihad to "mobilize the entire Umma into one body to defend the right cause with all its strength…to jihad, to warfare…" Until early 2011, its original bylaws could be found on the Brotherhood's English language website, Ikhwanweb, established in 2005 by senior Brotherhood official Khairat al-Shater. Since then, they have been preserved by Steven Emerson at The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). Article (2) makes clear that the Brotherhood conceives of itself as "an international Muslim Body, which seeks to establish Allah's law in the land by achieving the spiritual goals of Islam and the true religion…establishing the Islamic State" and "…building a new basis of human civilization as is ensured by the overall teachings of Islam."
In case that sounds relatively benign, Article (3) E gets more to the point: "The Islamic nation must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and the enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing an Islamic state." This is exactly what the Brotherhood did in Egypt in the violent years before and after the 1949 death of al-Banna, until it was forcibly suppressed, only to rise again in 2011-2012 when circumstances permitted.
The story of how those circumstances shifted to permit (even compel) the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power not only in Egypt, but also Libya, Tunisia, and perhaps soon, Syria and elsewhere, spans 20th century world history. World War II and the Brotherhood's close alliance with Adolf Hitler and his genocidal antisemitic Nazis provided the perfect opportunity for Islam's latest expansion into Europe, where dozens of Brotherhood branches were established. Upon the defeat of Nazi Germany, its clandestine networks of Muslim operatives were picked up by the western Allies and naively turned to the same purpose as the Nazis had pursued: to counter the influence of atheist communist Soviets. So it was that Sa'id Ramadan, the son-in-law of Hasan al-Banna, and a delegation of Muslim Brothers, found themselves in the Oval Office on 23 September 1953 meeting with President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
      1. Organization and the Settlement Process
Aside from its ideology, if there is a single characteristic that defines the Brotherhood, it is organization. From its earliest days, the Ikhwan has operated with military-like efficiency. The Muslim Brotherhood plan for the infiltration and subordination of America is no different. Once again, the blueprint can be found in Hasan al-Banna's Brotherhood bylaws, where, in Article (2) D, he lists as one of the key "Objectives and means" the following:
Make every effort for the establishment of educational, social, economic and scientific institutions and the establishment of mosques, schools, clinics, shelters, clubs as well as the formation of committees to regulate zakat affairs and alms."
To be sure, the patient task of Da'wa includes establishment of Islamic institutions, education of the non-Muslim population, and countering "the prejudices of Judeo-Christians against Islam," as Ikhwan scholar Shamim A. Siddiqi wrote in 1989. But in Islam, Da'wa, or the call to Islam, is always followed by jihad. Siddiqi, writing for the Muslim Brotherhood cadre in the U.S., was candid with them and cautioned that "[i]n this initial stage there may not be any opposition to Dawah work. For some time the Islamic Movement of America may have some smooth sailing. But with the increase in Dawah efforts, in the number of activities and growth of the strength of the organization, the anti-Islamic forces will take notice of the multifarious activities of the Movement," "…the fight…may become a challenge for them," and "[a]larming signals will be raised by the so-called 'free press.'"

"Smooth sailing" indeed would seem to characterize the early decades of the Ikhwan's Da'wa movement in America. The first official Muslim Brotherhood front organization founded in the U.S. was the Muslim Students Association (MSA), established on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in 1964. Today, there are over 600 MSA chapters at colleges and universities across North America, working to recruit members to the Muslim Brotherhood and jihad. According to former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo, "The MSA serves as a recruitment tool to bring Muslims into the Brotherhood…[w]hich was its original purpose: to evaluate Muslims and to bring them into the Brotherhood and to recruit non-Muslims into Islam as a dawa entity, giving them the call to Islam." The MSA was the blueprint model for the thousands of Muslim Brotherhood front groups that exist, function, and continue to multiply across the U.S. today.
"The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.
-- 'An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,' 1981
      1. Holy Land Foundation Trial
The 2008 Holy Land Foundation terror-funding trial has proven extremely valuable, well beyond its success in putting a U.S.-based jihad money channel out of business that had that sent millions of dollars to HAMAS, the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian branch. Hundreds of documents presented as evidence in the trial by U.S. Department of Justice prosecutors were subsequently placed online. Among these was a transcript of a talk given in the U.S. in the early 1980s by a Muslim Brotherhood executive-level leader, Zeid al-Noman. In it, al-Noman provided a remarkably detailed description of the history and mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, beginning with the establishment of the first front groups, such as the MSA, and proceeding according to the Ikhwan Bylaws to expand the network in a methodical, organized manner. Today, this infrastructure extends its reach within every single pillar of societal support in America – academia, government, intelligence, legal community, media, military, society, and the workplace – and demonstrably exerts a powerful influence on U.S. policy, both domestic and foreign, at the highest levels.
The recruitment process begins with identifying and cultivating Muslims who show, by their dedication to living a devout Islamic life, that they might be susceptible to Brotherhood da'wa. In a 27 December 2012 essay, Eric Trager, a Next Generation fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, provided a detailed look at the intensive process by which the Egyptian Brotherhood conducts its recruitment and training of young Muslim membership candidates; develops, reinforces, and repeatedly tests their commitment over a multi-year period, and ultimately incorporates them into its nationwide hierarchical organization. What he describes tracks closely with al-Noman's U.S. lecture from three decades earlier—which itself references a process modeled on Hassan al-Banna's original vision. The ideological continuity and internal discipline manifested by the Brotherhood's ability to maintain and replicate its "settlement process" across the world, and a span of more than eight decades, is remarkable. This is a formidable enemy.
The "Explanatory Memorandum" cited above, and also in the documentary evidence at the Holy Land Foundation trial, likewise provides a telling glimpse into "the process of settlement" that the Brotherhood termed "civilization jihad." Quite literally, the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. began as an immigration and settlement experience. As al-Noman recounts in his talk, "the first generation of the Muslim Ikhwan in north [sic] America composed [sic] of a team which included he who was an Ikhwan in his country…," among others.
After that, 'the Movement,' as he calls it, slowly established the organizational structures from basic cell level all the way to leadership Councils that define the Brotherhood's extensive presence in Egypt and elsewhere. The emphasis on an internal stealth jihad, to "sabotage" the West from within, characterized the movement from the beginning and drove the strategic decision to use front groups that are calculated to arouse little concern in an open and democratic society such as the U.S. Although not the focus of this report, it should be noted that massive financial support from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf sheikhdoms has always played a central and deeply important role in the ability of the Brotherhood to fund its global expansion, especially in the U.S. -- the ultimate prize for Islamic colonization.

The last page of the "Explanatory Memorandum" listed 29 Muslim Brotherhood groups under the heading, "A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends." Among these are the names of some of the best-known, mainstream Islamic organizations in the U.S. today, including a number whose Muslim Brotherhood-linked officials advise, socialize with, and train the leadership of key agencies within the U.S. national security community. The list includes the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP, the immediate parent organization of the Council on Islamic American Relations or CAIR), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), and the Muslim Students Association (MSA). This is, of course, but a small sampling of North American Muslim Brotherhood front groups, but gives an idea of the level of "acceptability," among both mainstream Muslim and U.S. society in general, that the groups have achieved by stealth and deception.
One of the most "mainstream" of these front groups is the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), named, by the Justice Dept., an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case. According to Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), ISNA functions as a kind of umbrella organization for many hundreds of offshoot Islamic Societies across North America. Yet, in spite of its DoJ status as a front group for the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, ISNA still has been granted a coveted advisory role with the National Security Council (NSC) of the Obama White House. ISNA's president, Muhammed Magid, is not only the Director of the All-Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, but also an A-list invitee to White House iftar dinners, and a member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Countering Violent Extremism" Advisory Council. In that capacity, Magid participated in a July 2012 CIA training session, speaking at Langley about "Building Communities of Trust: A Local Example of a Partnership between the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) and Law Enforcement."
      1. The Project
There is one more document, called simply "The Project," that should be examined in the study of the Brotherhood's expansion into Western society in general, and the U.S. government in particular. A November 2001 raid by Swiss authorities on a villa belonging to Yousef Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood director of the Al-Taqwa bank (which had been funding al-Qa'eda), recovered this 14-page plan, written in Arabic and dated December 1, 1982. "The Project" presents a "flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the 'cultural invasion' of the West," according to Patrick Poole, a counterterrorism and Muslim Brotherhood expert. Rather than relying primarily on terrorism, as al-Qa'eda and other kinetic-approach jihadis do, the Muslim Brotherhood opted instead for a progressive infiltration of the very structures of Western society in order to achieve the same end result that al-Qa'eda seeks: Islamic domination over the West.

In view of the alarming success this approach has achieved to date, not only across the Middle East and North Africa, but inside Europe and the U.S., it is worthwhile to quote from Poole's articles just some of the tactics outlined in "The Project:" [emphasis added]
  • Networking and coordinating actions between likeminded Islamist organizations;
  • Avoiding open alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of "moderation";
  • Infiltrating and taking over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the Muslim Brotherhood's collective goals;
  • Using deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn't conflict with shari'a law;
  • Establishing financial networks to fund the work of conversion of the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers;
  • Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of "international plots fomented against them";
  • Cultivating an Islamist intellectual community, including the establishment of think-tanks and advocacy groups, and publishing "academic" studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements;
  • Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant;
  • Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions;
  • Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;
  • Instituting alliances with Western "progressive" organizations that share similar goals;
  • Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West "in a jihad frame of mind";
  • Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support;
  • Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;
  • Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world
Information Dominance
With all of this information so readily available in the public domain, the obvious question must be, "Why doesn't the U.S. government know that it is a target, realize that it is penetrated, and take steps to correct an obviously dangerous situation?" The answer can be summarized in two words: information dominance. As described in preceding pages, the Muslim Brotherhood approached its campaign to subvert U.S. society in a comprehensive but
also a stealthy way. Recall the wording from the "Explanatory Memorandum," which stated it would sabotage [our] "miserable house by their [our] hands." What this means is that the Ikhwan intend to co-opt the leadership of this country by fooling it into "believing a counterfactual understanding of Islam and the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, thereby manipulating or coercing these leaders to enforce the MB narrative on their subordinates." Siddiqui, too, emphasized how the fight to impose Islam will intensify with "the help and involvement of the people of the land." As the evidence indicates, this is already happening.
As with any totalitarian system, controlling the information that the U.S. government is allowed to know about Islamic doctrine, history, law, and scriptures is paramount for the Brotherhood. If its sabotage operation were to be successful, the Ikhwan knew it would have to keep its targets ignorant of the true nature of Islamic jihad and shariah. This objective also fulfills the parallel objective to implement Islamic Law on slander and blasphemy, which says that "slander (ghiba) means to mention anything concerning a person [that is, a Muslim] that he would dislike." The truth about Islam's violent history, savage penal system, inherent inequality and supremacism, and legal commitment to "warfare to establish the religion" obviously would not be helpful in lulling unsuspecting kufr (infidels) into somnolence.
One of the early and most important indicators of the Brotherhood's surreptitious expanding influence within the Intelligence Community [IC] showed up as a terminology scrub of official strategic documents dealing with counterterrorism. As Robert Spencer explains, the trend toward politically correct Global War on Terror (GWOT) language began with a misguided effort by Jim Guirard, the founder and president of the TrueSpeak Institute, a lobbying group influenced by input from the Muslim Brotherhood, including Yousef al-Qaradawi, the senior jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. Unfortunately, thanks to Mr. Guirard, senior U.S. government officials, either incompetent or unwilling to fulfill their professional duty to "know the enemy," fell under the Brotherhood's influence and began substituting a garbled lexicon of inaccurate Arabic vocabulary in place of the actual words the enemy uses to describe what he does and why he does it.

As a consequence, for example, where the 2004 9/11 Commission Report contained hundreds of instances of the use of words like "Jihad," "Muslim," and "Islam," by the time the FBI published its unclassified Counterterrorism Lexicon in 2008, those words were gone, entirely missing from the document. That same year, the State Department, DHS, and the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) all instructed their employees to refrain from using the words "jihad" or "mujahedeen" to describe Islamic terrorism and its perpetrators.
A flurry of publications such as DHS's "Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations from American Muslims" and NCTC's "Words That Work and Words That Don't: A Guide for Counterterrorism Communication" advised that using such terms (that is, accurately, as the jihadis themselves do), could confer some level of religious credibility on terrorists or even possibly alienate moderate Muslims. The 2009 National Intelligence Strategy and 2010 National Security Strategy both followed suit, avoiding the use of "jihad," "Muslim," "Islam," the "Muslim Brotherhood" or "shariah" (except to say that these were not what U.S. strategy was about except in terms of "engagement" or "partnership"). By 2012, the entire Executive Branch, including DHS and the Defense, Justice, and State Departments, of the U.S. government was busy purging all instructors and training curriculum that associated Islamic doctrine, law, and scriptures with Islamic terrorism.
The sheer absurdity of America's unilateral rejection of the vocabulary required appropriately to describe, understand, and counter the enemy is topped only by the sophistication of that enemy's tactics in getting us to do it. If the officials whose professional responsibility it is to implement countermeasures based on the enemy's threat doctrine are not allowed even to speak the words that explain the ideology that drives that enemy's hatred, there is no chance these officials will be able effectively to direct a national security strategy. And that, of course, is the whole point.

The full-court press came in October 2011. On 19 October, an editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times by Salam al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), that threatened the FBI and Dept. of Justice with a refusal from the U.S. Muslim community to assist in counterterrorism efforts if alleged "deep anti-Muslim sentiment" in training materials were not "immediately addressed." Piling on, a group of 57 "top U.S. Muslim groups," including Muslim Brotherhood front groups, delivered a letter the same day to NSC counterterrorism advisor John Brennan, urging him to begin an "independent, effective investigation into the federal government's training of its agents and other law enforcement" and institute a "purge" of any material that the undersigned organizations deemed unacceptable."
The official U.S. response followed closely at a 19 October meeting held at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. that was attended by representatives of many of the groups which had signed the letter and top officials from the Justice Department. Reportedly, the Muslims lobbied for "cutbacks in anti-terror funding, changes in agents' training manuals, additional curbs on investigators and a legal declaration that U.S. citizens' criticism of Islam constitutes racial discrimination." By early 2012, it was reported that the FBI had "purged hundreds of bureau documents of instructional material about Muslims, some of which characterized them as prone to violence or terrorism."
This is what is meant by the Brotherhood term, "by their hands," from the Explanatory Memorandum.

Alain Laprise June 20, 2014